Hit-and-run crashes have been described as an epidemic in Los Angeles. According to a recent Los Angeles Times report, the city sees about 20,000 hit and runs each year and most of them are not solved. While most of these crashes result only in property damage, many lead to catastrophic injury and 27 people died in 2014 in hit-and-run crashes in Los Angeles. The city is implementing a new crime fighting plan that involves the use of a social media alert system designed to help police apprehend suspected perpetrators of hit-and-run. Information about a suspect's vehicle will be posted on social media and shared with public transportation employees .
For many years, Los Angeles has led the nation in hit-and-run crashes but putting an end to the epidemic has, thus far, eluded authorities. It seems that, with these new efforts, authorities are vociferously addressing the issue and may increase their efforts at catching perpetrators.
Hit-and-run collisions involving injuries or death are felonies and conviction carries serious consequences. With increased public attention focused on the issue, prosecutors will, likely, be extremely aggressive and fight for the most serious penalties. If you are suspected in a hit-and-run auto crash, you need a rigorous defense from an experienced defense attorney. Protecting the rights of the accused is particularly important when public and political pressure shines a light on a particular crime.